Population: Between 190 and 230 million*
- Religion: Rise of the Papacy, according to Catholics
1st and 2nd Thessalonians written
- Science: Roman army surgeon Dioscorides compiles information on medicinal plants in De Materia Medica
- Mexico: City of Teotihuacán rules Mexico
- Peru: Nazca culture flourishes
- China: Buddhism reaches China
- Funan: Foundation of Funan empire
- India: Mathura art in north
Kushans under Kujala Kadphises invade and conquer Gandhara
- General: Gothic kingdom set up on Lower Vistula
- Roman Empire: Romans learn to use soap from the Gauls
Population reaches 1 million
Claudian aqueduct finished
Jews banished from Rome
- Vanatu: Eruption on Vanatu (Ambrym)