Population: 262 Million*
- Entertainment: Japanese baroness Shikibu Murasake publishes "The Take of Genji"
- Religion: St. Paul's at Worms
- Deaths: Aethelred II of England
Edumnd Ironside (assassinated)
- General: Famine throughout Europe
- Bulgaria: End of independence of Khazar Empire in the Volga (Bulgaria)
- England: Death of Aethelred II "the Redeless"
Edmund Ironside and Canute divide kingdom, but Edmund assassinated at Battle of Ashingdon
Reign of Canute (Cnut), Viking king of England, begins - Danes rule England to 1042 as Canute goes native
- German States: Eadulf I becomes king of Bamburgh
- Italian States: Norman knights in southern Italy
- Norway: Olaf II rules as king