Population: 280 Million*
- Astronomy: Chinese astronomer sees "guest" star – supernova that formed Crab Nebula
- Religion: Schism - Final split of Rome and E Christian Byzantium
Roman and Byzantine popes excommunicate each other
Death of Pope Leo IX, papal chair remains empty for one year
- Deaths: Yaroslav (Jaroslav) the Wise of Kiev, Constantine IX Monomachus the Eastern Emperor, Pope Leo IX
- Egypt: Expansion of commercial relations between Italy and Egypt
- West: Abdallah ben Yassim begins Muslim conquest of West Africa
- China: Chinese astronomer sees "guest" star – really supernova that formed Crab Nebula
- General: Poland recaptures Silesia from Bohemia
- France: Henry I of France invades Normandy and is defeated at Mortemer
- Italian States: Expansion of commercial relations between Italy and Egypt
- Russia: Death of Yaroslav the Wise - start of empire decline
- Scotland: Macbeth defeated by Malcolm and ? Siward of Northumbria at Dunsinane
Rise of Scotland kills 10,000
Middle East
- Byzantine Empire: Death of Constantine IX Monomachus the Byzantine Emperor