Population: 294 Million*
- Religion: Death of Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand of Soana) - one of two popes
- Deaths: Norman conqueror of southern Italy Robert Guiscard, Pope Gregory VII Hildebrand, Shen Tsung of China
- China: End of Shen Tsung as Emperor of China
- General: Danes invade England - King demands Oath of Salisbury to shore up power
- Bohemia: Vratislav Duke of Bohemia crowned king
- England: Domesday Book (Census) taken - continues
William starts Church building including Ely (Eeelee chapel) – Churches run by Norman abbots
- Holy Roman Empire: Henry IV extends "Peace of God" over whole empire
- Italian States: Death of Norman Robert Guiscard the conqueror of southern Italy
- Spanish States: Toledo taken from the Arabs by Alfonso VI
Middle East
- End of Norman-Byzantine Wars to 5000