Population: 401 Million*
- Entertainment: First court jesters at European courts
- Mathematics: Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci introduces Arabic numerals in Europe
- Politics: First trial of a peer (King John of England as Duke of Normandy) in France
- Religion: Fourth crusade under Boniface of Montferrat – Venice takes the lead at fighting Constantinople - Crusaders unable to pay Venice agree to be arms for hire
Decretal "Venerabilem" asserts superiority of papacy over empire
- Deaths: Persian poet Nisami, Canute Vi King of Denmark
- Egypt: Drought and famine in Egypt to 1204
- General: Kingdom of Trubczeswk in the Volga independent to 1211
- Denmark: Canute VI King of Denmark dies
- Italian States: Fibonacci explores mathematics
Middle East
- Lebanon: Earthquake in Acre