Population: 417 Million*
- Religion: Japanese priest Nichiren founds Lotus Sutra Buddhism
- Travel: William of Rubruque travels in central Asia and reports his experiences
- Deaths: Tibaut (Teobaldo) IV King of Navarre, King Wenceslas I of Bohemia, Zen master Dogen of Japan
- Dali: End of Kingdom of Dali - taken over by Mongol empire (now part of Mongolia)
- Japan: Zen master Dogen of Japan dies
Japanese priest Nichiren founds Lotus Sutra Buddhism
- Czechoslovakia: Death of King Wenceslas I of Bohemia, Ottokar II the Great becomes king
- England: Linen first manufactured in England
- France: Sorbonne founded
Louis IX sends Friar William of Rubruquis to Mongolia to 1255
- Italian States: Commercial rivalry leads to war between Genoa and Venice
Both Florence and Genoa introduce gold coinage
- Spanish States: Death of Tibaut IV (Teobaldo) King of Navarre