Population: 432 Million*
- Climate: Start of little ice age to 1860 or 1890
- Entertainment: Aucassin et Nicolette famous French love story written
Giovanni Pisano created "Madonna"
- Finance: Italian merchants develop double-entry bookkeeping
- Medicine: Urine analysis becomes diagnostic means
Eyeglasses first used commonly in Europe
- Religion: Jubilee year pronounced by Pope Boniface VIII
- Technology: European monks invent escapement clock
- Travel: Marco Polo refers to mythical southern continent
- Ife culture of W Africa produces brasses
- East African city-states founded
- Illustrated manuscripts produced in Ethiopia
- Incas begin to expand throughout Andes and Peru
- Anasazi Cliff Dwellers decline, plus Freemont in Utah from drought
- Aztec empire starts
- Decline of the Mayan civilization
- China: Development of Chinese drama
- Japan: Minamoto shoguns in Japan diminish as Ashikaga shoguns rule in this era
- General: Temporary end of European slave trade
Some date Renaissance from this period
Trade fairs at Bruges, Antwerp, Lyons and Geneva
Start of Bubonic plague outbreak lasting until the 1720s
- England: Tower of London completed
Edward I invades Scotland
Building of St. Mary the Virgin at Oxford
Decorated phase of English Gothic architecture starts
- France: Professional musical entertainers in France - "Jongleurs"
- German States: Apothecaries become popular in German cities
- Italian States: Bologna University appoints Dorotea Bocchi as professor of medicine and Maria di Novella as professor and head of mathematics - early female scholars
- Poland: Wenceslas II of Bohemia elected king of Poland
Middle East
- Osman I founds Ottoman dynasty in Turkey
- Hawaiians start to develop class structure as a result of economic growth
- Stone temples (marae) erected on Raratonga, Cook Islands
- Huge stone statues erected on Easter Island
- Second wave of Maoris migrate to New Zealand from the Marquesas Polynesia