Population: 365 Million*
- Entertainment: Geoffrey Chaucer begins Canterbury Tales
- Religion: Death of Christian Mystic Catherine of Siena
John Wyclif translates Bible into English and condemns Pope as Anti-Christ - reportedly invented the notion of robbing Peter to pay Paul
- Deaths: Charles V (the Wise) of France, Catherine of Siena, French soldier Bertrand du Guesclin
- Foundation of Kongo kingdom in Congo river mouth region of Zaire
- Mongolia: Timur (Tamerlane) begins campaigns to Persia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt etc.
- France: Death of Charles V of France and Charles VI the Mad rules
- German States: Hans Fugger founds banking concern at Augsburg - becomes largest financial house by 1500
- Russia: Dimitri IV of Moscow defeats Mongols (Golden Horde) at Kulikovo
Middle East
- Timur (Tamerlane) begins campaigns to Persia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt etc.