Population: 369 Million*
- Nature: Quake in East Sporadas leads to tsunami that damages majority of churches
- Religion: As continuance of Great Schism, Pope Boniface IX (Pietro Tomacelli) elected at Rome – third pope as rule of Pope Urban VI ends
- Deaths: Hafiz the Persian poet, Dimitri IV Donskoi of Moscow, Pope Urban VI
- General: Truce between England, Scotland and France
Truce in Hundred Years' War only temporary
- England: William of Wukeham named Lord Chancellor of England
Richard II assumes power though Dukes and Lords control government
- Russia: Death of Dimitri IV Donskoi the Grand Duke of Moscow
- Serbia: Christian Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Kosovo
Middle East
- Ottoman Turks: Bajazet I Emir of the Turks