Population: 401 Million*
- Environment: Terrible freeze as part of Little Ice Age results in famine for several years
- Religion: Pope Martin V convenes Council of Basel to deal with heretics
Death of Pope Martin V – Pope Eugene IV or Eugenius IV (Gabriele Condulmer) elected,
- Deaths: Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc), Pope Martin V
- Zheng He makes his final voyage and reaches East coast of Africa
- Thailand: Thais and Chams with Mongol support rebel against Khmer
Angkor Wat the Khmer city abandoned after being sacked by Thai army
- Bohemia: Council called to deal with Bohemian heretics sparked by destruction of John Huss
- France: Joan of Arc burned at the stake at Rouen
Henry VI of England (age 10) crowned King of France in Paris then leaves
Universities of Caen and Poitiers founded
- German States; First German peasant revolt at Worms