Population: 435 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include first French farce "Maitre Pathelin", "The Art of Dying Well" published in Germany with woodcut pictures as religious text
- Deaths: Knutson Bonde (King Charles VIII) of Sweden
- Portuguese navigators discover Gold Coast West Africa
- Collapse of Chimú culture in N Peru - Chimor incorporated into Inca empire
- England: House of Lancaster under Henry VI takes throne in ENG until 1483 as War of Roses continues – Warwick turns Lancastrian –
defeats Edward IV and restores Henry VI, Warwick banished, Makes peace with Margaret, helps restore Henry VI to throne
- France: First French printing press set up at the Sorbonne in Paris
Republic of St. Tropez created in France
- Ireland: Plague decimates Dublin
- Italian States: Turks seize Negroponte (Nengropont (Euboea)) from Venetians
- Sweden: Death of Knutson Bonde (King Charles VIII)
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Turks seize Negroponte (Nengropont (Euboea)) from Venetians