Population: 464 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Jakob Winpfeling (history of Germany)
Art includes Dürer travels to Venice, Lorenzo Lotto "The Maiden's Dream", Pope Julius II calls Michelangelo to Rome, Rephael "Madonna del Granduca"
- Mathematics: Scipione del Ferro the Italian mathematician solves cubic equations
- Religion: Martin Luther enters Augustinian monastery at Erfurt
- Deaths: Musicians Jakob and Johannes Obrecht, Ivan III the Great of Russia
- East: Portuguese capture Sofala in Malabar on Africa's E coast - found factories and colonize Mozambique
- India: Almeida becomes first Portugal viceroy of India
- General: Treaty of Blois – France keeps Milan but cedes Naples to Spain – Spain controls southern Italy
- England: Henry, prince of Wales denounces marriage contract with Catharine of Aragon (see 1503)
John Colet made dean of St. Paul's in London
Christ's College at Cambridge founded
- Holy Roman Empire: Emperor Maximilian I begins reformation of HRE as Hapsburg empire
- Russia: End of reign of Ivan III the Great - son Basil III rules
- Spain: Treaty of Salamanca – Ferdinand of Aragon undertakes to rule Castile jointly with daughter Juana and her husband Philip (HRE)