Population: 469 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Thomas Murner (satirical poem)
Art includes Hans Baldung-Grien "Mystic Pieta", Andrea del Sarto "The Annunciation", Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel), Raphael (portrait of Julius II),
Music includes Erhart Deglin (German music),
First use of the word “Masque” to denote a poetic drama
- Religion: Fifth Lateran Council pronounces Immortality of the Soul as a dogma of the Church
Second Book of Masses by des Pres
Martin Luther named Doctor of Divinity
- Science: Copernicus publishes "Commentariolus" in which he proposes the earth and other planets revolve around the sun
- Deaths: Explorer Amerigo Vespucci, Bajazed II Sultan of Turks
- Northern Africa: Askia Mohammed of Songhai defeats Hausa states in Southern Sahara
- Portuguese discover Celebes - reach Moluccas in Asia and obtain cloves and nutmeg
- General: French defeat Spanish and papal forces at Ravenna with Pierre du Terrail le Chavalier de Bayard as hero of the battle
War between Russia and Poland to 1522
- England: Royal Navy builds double-deck ships with 70 guns
- German States: German Diet assembles in Cologne and undertakes further imperial reorganization
Ban on quacks in Augsburg
Public-resistance to trading monopolies in Germany due to indebtedness of Emperor Maximilian I to Jakob Fugger
- Holy Roman Empire: Albrecht Dürer becomes court painter to HRE Maximillian I
- Italian States: French victory in Italy at Ravenna
Cardinal Giovanni de Medici (Later Pope Leo X) with brother and Spanish troops sack Prato and Machiavelli's troops
- Switzerland: Swiss join League and drive French out of Milan
Middle East
- Ottoman Turks: End of Bajazet II Sultan of Turks – Selim I (the Grim) named Sultan of Turkey
- Persia: Shi'ism state religion of Persia