Population: 505 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Juan de Avila Audi filia (ascetic Christian text), John Ponet (friend of Cranmer) A Short Treatise on Political Power (questioning right of royalty and approving assassination)
Music includes Orlando di Lasso (first book of motets)
- Science: Georg Bauer (Agricola)'s book on mineralogy published posthumously
German book "De Re Metallica" on mining and mineralogy scientific but warns of underground demons
- Deaths: English reformer Thomas Cranmer (burned at stake), Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola, Author Pietro Aretino, Artist Pontormo, Dramatist Nicholas Udall,
Artist Lorenzo Lotto, Humayun a Mughal emperor bowed to pray when hearing call to prayer and his foot catches in his robes and he falls down several flights of stairs to his death
- Turks finish conquering North Africa
- China: Deadliest earthquake hits Shaanxi China killing 830,000 est at 8 on scale
Portuguese settle at Macao
- India: Reign of Moghul emperor Akbar the Great begins
Mughals under Akbar rout the Suri army (Hindus) at Panipat
- General: Livonian War to 1582 with Poland Russia Sweden and Denmark regarding Balkan territories
- Czechoslovakia: Jesuit Order established in Prague
- England: Death of former Archbishop Thomas Cranmer the English reformer by burning at the stake (under "Bloody" Mary) - he declared monarchs as God's mouthpiece, but recanted, then recanted the recantation - declared Pope the anti-christ
Cardinal Pole consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury
Stationers' Company of London granted monopoly of printing
Hanseatic trading privileges ends in England
- France: Alliance between Pope Paul IV and Henry II
- German States: Hans Sachs becomes leader of the Nuremberg Mastersingers
- Holy Roman Empire: Enperor Charles V retires to monastery of Yuste - assigs Spain, Netherlands, Naples, Milan, and Franche-Comté to son Philip II and the Holy Roman Empire to brother Ferdinand II
- Spain: Start of reign of Philip II - also of Italy
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Suleiman's mosque in Constantinople finished