Population: 534 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Robert Henryson (posthumous), George Peele (play on Edward the First), Shakespeare Titus Andronicus and Taming of the Shrew plus poetries published,
Pierre Charron (French theological treatise),
Art includes El Greco "The Crucifiction" and "The Resurrection"
- Science: Giambattista della Porta writes regarding binocular vision
Galileo invents thermometer
- Deaths: Christopher Marlowe in tavern brawl, Artist Guiseppe Archimboldo,
- General: Malaria reaches the Americas
- China: Firs modern abacus
- India: Purana Pul bridge built across Musi River in Hyderabad
- England: London theaters close due to plague
- France: Henry IV becomes Roman Catholic and attends mass at St. Denis - becomes king ending turbulent time
First French botanical gardens established at U of Montpellier
- Holy Roman Empire: Rudolf II renews war against Turkey - War between Austria and Ottoman Turkey until 1606
- Italian States: Sant' Ambrogio Bank founded in Milan
- Sweden: Diet of Uppsala in Sweden upholds Martin Luther's doctrines
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: War between Austria and Ottoman Turkey until 1606