Population: 541 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Thomas Campion (English literature), Thomas Dekker (satire), Lope de Vega (epic poem), Ben Johnson (comedy),
Sir David Lindsay (posthumous satire), John Marston (tragedy), Shakespeare All's Well the Ends Well, Conrad Kircher (concordance to the Septuagint),
Richard Carew (survey of Cornwall), John Willis (stenography)
Music includes Hans Leo Hassler (collects German leider music)
- Science: Thomas Blondeville writes "Theoriques of the Planets"
Tycho Brahe's astronomical maps published posthumously by Kepler
Vincenzio Cascarido discovers barium sulfide in Italy
Galileo investigates laws of gravitation and oscillation
Newton begins to formulate laws of motion
- Deaths: Artist Agostino Carracci,
- Japan: Spanish traders admitted to eastern Japan
- General: Spanish army lands in Ireland and eventually surrenders to English at Kinsala
Savoy (ITA) attacks Geneva (SWI) – Protestant cantons ally with France
- England: Bodlein Library at Oxford opened
- France: Paris Charité founded
- Holland: Dutch East India Company founded with 540,000 pounds of capital in Baravia – considered first modern company
- Holy Roman Empire: Emperor Rudolf II continues persecution of Protestants in Hapsburg lands and suppresses meetings of Moravian Bretheren
- Hungary: Counter Reformation in Hungary gathers force with persecution of Protestants in Bohemia and Hungary
- Italian States: Ambrosian Library in Milan founded,
Middle East
- General: Shah Abbas of Persia starts holy war against Ottoman Turkey and captures Mesopotamia for 25 years
Azerbaijan, Georgia and temporarily Baghdad and Mosul captured by Persians