Population: 543 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Hugo Grotius De Jure Belli ac Pacis which becomes basis of international law, Honorat de Bueil (pastoral dialogues),
Ben Johnson (comedy), Thomas Middleton (comedy), Joost van den Vondel (political drama), Francis Bacon
Art includes Nicholas Poussin "Parnassus"
Music includes Heinrich Schutz "Cantiones Sacrae"
- Fashion: Introduction of full-bottomed wigs in Europe
- Science: Johann Rdolf Glauber discovers Glauber's salt
- Deaths: King James I of England, Artest Jan Brueghel (Velvet Brueghel), Poet Gaimbarrista Marini, Dramatist John Fletcher,
Dramatist John Webster, Composer Orlando Gibbons,
- Caribbean: French settlements in Caribbean begin at St. Christopher
French occupy Antilles and Cayenne
First English settlement on Barbados under Sir William Courteen
- Formosa: Dutch establish settlement at Formosa
- Denmark: Christian IV intervenes in 30 Years' War
- England: End of reign of James I of England (James VI of Scotland) – start rule of Charles I – he marries Henrietta Maria sister of Louis XIII
Parliament later adjourns to Oxford because of plague in London
Sir Thomas Coventry made lord keeper
Daniel Mylens made court painter by Charles I
Inigo Jones creates Covent Garden Church in London
Colonial Office established in London
First fire engines in England
Hackney coaches appear in streets of London
Tobacco tax and tobacco monopoly in England
Parliament refuses to allow divine right (because of taxation) and Charles claims parliament lost its authority
- France: Order of Sisters of Mercy founded in Paris by Vincent de Paul
- German States: Tilly invades Lower Saxony
- Holy Roman Empire: Wallenstein made general of the imperial forces by Emperor Ferdinand II – made Duke of Friedland
Matein Opitz crowned poet laureate in Vienna
- Norway: Storm kills 210
- Russia: Famous peal of bells installed in Kremlin Moscow
- Spain: General Ambrogio Spinola takes Breda from Dutch after 11 month siege
- New York: Dutch found New Amsterdam as trading post