Population: 545 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Jean Rotrou (religious drama), James Shirley (poems), John Suckling, Henry Vaughan (poems),
Jeremy Taylor (prayer)
Sir Thomas Browne exposes following of superstitions as delusions
Art includes Murillo "The Angel's Kitchen", Rembrandt "The Adoration of the Shepherds", Jan van Goyen "Village Church in the Sand Dunes"
- Science: "Battle of the Books" as Sir Thomas Browne and Alexander Ross publishes book of errors in science and a defense respectively
- Technology: Athanasius Kircher constructs first projection "magic" lantern
- Deaths: Composer Johann Stobaeus
- Bahamas: Colonized by English
- General: 30 Years' War - Swedes take over Prague – invade Bavaria with the French
- England: English civil war closes with surrender of Oxford to Roundheads
Parliament presents Newcastle Propositions demanding religious reforms and armed forces for 20 years
King tries to escape but plan fails - surrenders to Scots who give him to Parliament (End of phase 1 of civil war)
- German States: "Great Elector" of Brandenburg marries Louise daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange
First lime trees planted between Royal Palace and Zoological Gardens in Berlin – beginning of "Unter den Linden"
- Holland: Inundations in Holland Zealand and Friesland kill 110,000