Population: 556 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Tokugawa Mitsukuni History of Japan, Andreas Gryphius (comedy based on Shakespeare), François Hedelin (theater),
Thomas Middleton (comedy), Algelus Silesius (mystical writings) Sacinien Cyrano de Bergerac (posthumously), Richard Baxter (religion),
Le Sieur Saunier (first book named "encyclopedie")
Art includes Rembrandt (portrait of son Titus), Velazquez "Las Hilanderas"
Music includes Johann Amos Comenius (writing regarding opera), Adam Krieger
- Technology: Christiann Huygens designs first pendulum for clocks
First stockings and fountain pens manufactured in Paris
- Deaths: Artist Frans Snyders, Emperor Ferdinand III, Jewish leader Manasseh ben Israel,
- Japan: Tokugawa Mitsukuni begins compilation of History of Japan
- General: Treaty of Bromberg – Brandenburg allied with Poland against Sweden
Dutch Republic (Netherlands) and Portugal at war to 1661
- Denmark: Denmark attacks Charles X of Sweden – already involved in wars with Russia Poland and Austria
- England: Oliver Cromwell rejects offer of title of king
Cromwell given royal chair, robe Bible, sword and scpeter as “Lord Protector” and coin shows him with crown
Creation of new House of Lords increases Cromwell's power
Drinking chocolate introduced in England
- Holy Roman Empire: Death of Emperor Ferdinand III – son Leopold I succeeds him
- Italian States: Accademia del Cimento founded in Florence by Vincenzo Viviani
- Massachusetts: Measles outbreak