Population: 582 Million*
- Entertainment: Aphra Behn (drama) Marquise de Sevigne (letter on French court life), Milton Paradise Regained, Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme,
John Bunyan (vonfession of faith), Stephen Skinner (language), William Carter England's Interest by Trade Asserted
Art includes Adriaen van Ostade "Travelers Resting"
Music includes Robert Cambert (opera)
- Religion: First Bible in Arabic printed in Rome
- Science: Leibniz defines nature and existence of the other
- Deaths: Cossack leader Stenka Razin, Perfectionist chef François Vatel commits suicide after fish course fails to arrive for Louis XIV
- General: Founding of French Senegal Company
- Jamaica: Former buccaneer Sir Henry Morgan made deputy governor of Jamaica by Charles II
- England: Christopher Wren creates "The Monument" to the great fire
English Crown resumes direct control of customs system
- France: Philip of Orleans brother of Louis XIV marries Princess Liselotte heiress to the Palatinate
Lionel Bruant creates Hotel des Invalides Paris
Paris opera opens
- Holy Roman Empire: Stenka Razin leader of Cossack and peasant rebellion in Don and Volga regions executed
- Poland: Turks declare war
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Turks declare war on Poland
- Exploration: English explorers are first Europeans to cross Appalachians