Population: 592 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Dryden (drama), Sir George Etherege (comedy), Thomas Otway (tragedy), Benjamin Thompson New England's Crisis,
Roger Williams (anti-Quaker tract),
Art includes Godfrey Kneller "Mr. Banks", Murillo "Madonna Purissima",
Music includes Thomas Mace "Musick's Monument"
- Medicine: Thomas Sydenham writes medical observations
- Religion: Death of Pope Clement X – Benedetto Odescalchi of Como becomes Pope Innocent XI
- Science: Robert Plot describes dinosaur bone but believes it to be a human bone
Danish astronomer Ole Romer calculates speed of light
- Deaths: Composer Francesco Cavalli, Poet Paul Gerhardt, Novelist Johann Jacob Christoph von Grimmelshausen, Czar Alexis I, Ahmed Kiuprili of Turkey,
Pope Clement X, Chef Le Grand Vatel by suicide, Metacomet (King Philip)
- China: Guangzhou falls to rebel forces
- India: Sikh uprising in India to 1678
- General: Danish army defeated by Swedes at Battle of Lunden
Treaty of Zuravno – Turkey gains Polish Ukraine
- England: Sir Christopher Wren builds Trinity College Library at Cambridge
Influenza epidemic
Legal protection of Sabbath observance
- France: "Le Grand Vatel" commits suicide because his meal was not up to Louis XIV's expectations
- Russia: Death of Czar Alexis I of Russia – son Feodor III (Fedor III) rules to 1682
- Spain: Plague outbreak
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Death of Ahmed Kiuprili succeeded as Grand Vizier of Turkey by brother-in-law Kara Mustafa
Treaty of Zuravno – Turkey gains Polish Ukraine
- Natives: End of King Philip's War - Metacomet (King Philip) killed
- Massachusetts: First coffee house in new world in Boston
- New Jersey: Boundary between east and west New Jersey settled
- Virginia: "Declaration of the People of Virginia" by Nathaniel Bacon gains support for rebellion against authorities -
poor farmers revolt against English tax - first recorded tax