Population: 612 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Lean Le Clerc (historic libraries and books), Francis Willughby (posthumous),
Music includes Luly "Armide et Renaud" opera,
- Food: Mme. Maintenom establishes "Cordon Bleu" cookery
- Religion: German Pietist and educator August Hermann Francke begins study of the Bible
- Science: Halley draws first meteorological map
Nourse makes eugenic argument for breeds of humans
- Deaths: Scientist Otto von Guericke,
- Madagascar: Louis XIV of France annexes island - Fort Dauphin established
- Japan: Famous puppet play "Shusse Kagekiyo" given in Tokyo
- General: League of Augsburg against Louis XIV led by Emperor Leopold - League (HRE, Spain, Sweden, Saxony, Bavaria, Palatinate) forms because of French aggression against William of Orange
- England: Roman Catholics readmitted into English army
James attempts to restore Catholicism - disregards "Test Act" prohibiting Catholics
- France Jules Hardouin Mansart creates Notre Dame in Versailles
Maison St. Cyr founded by Louis XIV and Mme. De Maintenon as convent school for daughters of poor gentlefolk
- Holy Roman Empire: Charles Duke of Lorraine takes Buda (Budapest) from Turks who held it for 145 years
- Italian States: Venetians take Morea
- Russia: War declares on Turkey
- Sweden: First Swedish theater opens in Stockholm
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Russia declares war on Turkey
- Military: King William's War - French-English - Iroquois and English ally against the French and Canadians and Maine people
- General: Federation of New England formed under Sir Edmund Andros
- Connecticut: Declared Royal Colony
- Rhode Island: Declared Royal Colony
- Arkansas: First French settlers arrive