Population: 647 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Richard Steel (comedy), John Adair (islands off Scotland), First A-Z dictionary in England, Daniel Defoe pilloried (in stocks) for pamphlet The Shortest Way With Dissenters satirizing Catholic Church - supports throw flowers instead of rotten fruit
- Deaths: Diarist Samuel Pepys, Consort of Louis XIV Marquise de Maintenon, Physician Robert Hooke, Mustafa II of Turkey, Author Charles Perraylt,
Composer Nicolas de Gringy,
- India: Famine
- Japan: 47 ronin commit suicide to honor their dead lord
Earthquake and tsunami in Tokyo (Edo) kills 200,000
- General: Swedish victory over Russians at Rultusk
Marlborough takes Bonn – Prince Eugene campaigns in S. Germany
Methuen Treaty between England and Portugal for trade
- England: Great Storm in England - windstorm on North Sea causes windmills arms to catch fire due to friction, 30,000 sailors lost at sea, 100,000 homes destroyed
Work started on Buckingham Palace in London
Isaac Newton elected president of Royal Society
Eddystone lighthouse destroyed by storm
- Holy Roman Empire: Hungarian revolt begins against Austria to 1711 led by Francis II Rakoczi
- Russia: Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg to replace Moscow as capital
- Scotland: Scottish parliament convenes – against England somewhat – debate about who would succeed Anne
- Spain: Archduke Charles proclaimed King of Spain in Madrid
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Death of Mustafa II in Turkey
- Delaware: Delaware breaks from Pennsylvania to be separate colony