Population: 663 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon (tragedy), Addison and Steele The Spectator, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope,
Francis Atterbury (religion), Earl Anthony Ashley Cooper (manners), Thomas Maddox (history of antiquities), William Whiston Primitive Christianity Revived,
Christoph Dientzenhofer (St. Nikolas)
Music includes Handel (opera), Clarinet used for first time in an orchestra, English trumpeter John Shore invents tuning fork
- Technology: Thomas Newcomen develops steam engine to pump water - improving on 1698 design
- Deaths: Emperor Joseph I, Dauphin of France
- Brazil: Rio de Janeiro captured by French - part of War of Spanish Succession
- Canada: Storm hits Belle Isle wrecking English ships
British-Iroquois assault on Québec and Montreal fails
- Indonesia: Eruption of Mt. Abo on Sangir Islands
- General: Peace of Szatmar between Austria and Hungary
- France: Death of The Dauphin – by next year the Duke of Burgundy the Duches and eldest son also die
- German States: Berlin Academy started with Leibniz as president
Dresden Zwinger built by M.D. Poppelmann
Plague outbreak
- Great Britain: Great Britain forms next year
Duke of Marlborough fired as head of armies of England – wife fights with Queen
English Bank charter expires
London Academy of Arts established under Geoffrey Kneller
Queen Anne establishes Ascot races
Tory majority forces England to withdraw from war with France
- Holy Roman Empire: Death of Emperor Joseph I – eventually succeeded by brother HRE Charles VI father of Maria Theresa
Plague outbreak
Peace of Szathmar – Charles VI guarantees Hungarian constitution
- Russia: War between Russia and Turkey
Encounter between Peter the Great and Leibniz
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: War between Russia and Turkey
- North Carolina: Tuscarora War between settlers and Native Americans on Roanoke and Chowan rivers – Indians massacre 200 settlers