Population: 672 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include John Gay Trivia, da Silva (anthology of Portuguese poetry), Hakuseki (autobiography),
"The Historical Register" published
Daubenton publishes Advice to Shepherds and Owners of Flocks
Art includes Watteau "La Leçon d'amour",
Music includes Handel, Couperin "L'Art de toucher le clavecin"
- Deaths: Dramatist William Wycherley, Philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
- Canada: French build fortress in Louisbourg
- China: Manshu emperor Kangxi sends troops to expel Junkar people from Tibet
Christian teaching prohibited
- Japan: Reforming shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune rules Japan until 1745
- Tibet: Chinese Manshu emperor Kangxi sends troops to expel Junkar people from Tibet
- General: Treaty of Westminster between England the the HRE
Second Agricultural revolution time period
- France: Scottish economist John Law establishes the Banque generale
- Great Britain: James (III) "The Old Pretender" flees to France abandoning army and letting George I rule Britain
King George I of England returns to Germany on 16-month visit but he detests son George II and leaves protector in power
First central heating system in Britain in greenhouse
Septennial Act - elections every 7 years
- Habsburg Territories: Prince Eugene defeats Turks at Peterwardein – Temesvar last Turkish possession in Hungary falls
- Holy Roman Empire: Emperor Charles VI declares war on Turkey
Fischer von Erlach builds the Karlkirche in Vienna
- Italian States: Diario di Roma becomes the first Italian newspaper published
- Russia: Peter the Great visits Europe for second time
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Turkey loses possessions in Hungary
- Louisiana: Spain occupies part of Texas in response to French expanding in Louisiana
Slaves brought to French territory in North America
- Virginia: First company of English actors appears in America at Williamsburg