Population: 808 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include CHarles Colle (manners comedy), David Garrick (comedy), Christian Gellert (comedy), Thomas Gray (ode),
Voltaire (philosophical tale), Samuel Johnson, Benjamin Franklin, Gilbert West (resurrection)
Music includes JS Bach, Handel (oratorio), Rousseau (opera)
- Science: A.S. Marggraf discovers sugar in beetroot - start of European sugar industry
Benjamin Robins speaks on physics of a spinning projectile
- Deaths: Dramatist Alain Rene Lesage, Prince Leopold I of Anhalt-Dessau, Nadir Shah of Persia murdered
- General: Africa's Dahomey finally submits to Oyo region of the Niger delta
- Burma: Start of Second Pegu Kingdom to 1757
- China: Chinese military campaigns pacify Tibetan border region
- General: Prusso-Swedish alliance for mutual defense
- German States: Death of Prince Leopold I of Anhalt-Dessau – organizer of Prussian army
G.W. von Knobelsdorff completes Sanssouci Palace (castle) in Potsdam
- Great Britain: Carriage tax instituted
- Italian States: Biblioteca Nazionale founded in Florence
- Netherlands: William IV of Orange-Nassau becomes hereditary stadholder of the seven provinces of the Netherlands
- Poland: National Library founded
Middle East
- Afghanistan: Amhad Shah Durrani begins rule founding Durrani dynasty centered at Kandahar
- Persia: End of reign of Nadir Shah - murdered - possibly connected to Amhad Shah of Afghanistan
- Medicine: Measles outbreak around Atlantic states in US