Population: 827 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Robert Patlock, Tobias Smollett, French encyclopedia published, David Hume (morals), Voltaire
Art includes Boucher "Toilet of Venus", Hogarth "Four Stages of Cruelty", Tiepolo paints ceiling of the Wurzburg Residenz
Music includes Handel, Francesco Gemini "The Art of Playing on the Violin" book, Handel (oratorio), Minuet becomes Europe's fashionable dance,
"War of the Operas" between pro-Italian and pro-French music lovers
- Science: Linnaeus writes book of botany
Benjamin Franklin publishes about electricity
- Deaths: Architect Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer, Biologist Julien Offray de Lamettrie, Prince Frederick II of Sweden, William IV of Orange-Nassau,
Prince of Wales Frederick, Julien Offray de La Mettrie dies of overeating – sensualist philosopher who taught about practical actions
- Canada: "Halifax Gazette" becomes first English newspaper in Canada
- India: English soldier Robert Clive takes Arcot in India ending French siege
- Tibet: China invades, establishing control over succession of Dalai Lama
- General: England joins Austro-Russian alliance of June 1746 against Prussia
- France: Ecole Superior de Guerra (academy of War) founded in Paris
First French encyclopedia published
- German States: Lessing becomes literary critic in Berlin
Gottlinger wissenschagtliche Akademie founded
Prussian Minister of Justice Heinrich von Cocceji writes about Frederick's code
- Great Britain: British calendar altered by Act of Parliament – Jan 1 becomes New Year as opposed to March 25/April 1
First mental asylums in London
Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales - son George becomes heir to the throne
Lancelot "Capability" Brown becomes landscape gardner to English nobility
- Holland: Death of William IV of Orange-Nassau (Holland) – widow Anne daughter of George II of England becomes regent
- Sweden: Death of Prince Frederick II – brother-in-law Adolphus Frederick rules
- Portugal: Powers of Portuguese Inquisition curtailed by government
- Science: Benjamin Franklin writes
- Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania (Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Academy) founded