Population: 833 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Crebillon, Salomon Gessner, Jonathan Edwards (free will), David Hume (history), Rousseau, John Woolman (keeping "Negroes"),
Anton Busching (geography), Samuel Johnson (dictionary)
Art includes Boucher "Judgement of Paris" series, Thomas Chippendale "The Gentleman and Cabinetmaker's Directory" - also manufactures furniture, Hogarth "The Election"
- Science: Joseph Black discovers carbonic acid gas
Charles Bonnet publishes study of food value of various crops
- Deaths: Architect Gabriel Boffrand, Dramatist Ludvig Holbert, Architect John Wood the Elder, Author Henry Fielding, Sultan Mahmoud I of Turkey
- General: Anglo-French War (French and Indian) begins in Americas regarding boundary disputes
- Philippines: Mt. Taal volcano erupts
- German States: First female medical doctor named at University of Halle
- Great Britain: End of Henry Pelham as Prime Minister of Britain, Duke of Newcastle reigns
First iron-rolling mill at Fareham Hampshire England
Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures founded in England
St. Andrews Royal and Ancient Golf Club in Scotland founded
- Russia: Rastrelli creates the Winter Palace at St. Petersburg
Start of great period of Russian culture under Tsarina Elizabeth
- Spain: Concordat with Vatican gives Spanish church independence from Rome
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Death of Sultan of Turkey Mahmoud I
- Military: Anglo-French War (French and Indian) begins in Americas regarding boundary disputes
Washington defeated in battle
"Redcoats" start arriving in colonies
- Natives: 7 colonies meet with Indians to arrange fighting with French
- Politics: Intercolonial conference called by British leading to the Albany plan of Union - Benjamin Franklin attends Albany Congress
- Religion: Ann Lee leads Shakers
- New York: King's College founded – later Columbia
- General: Colonies' Ohio Company builds fort in Ohio valley