Population: 842 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Diederot, Salmon Gessner (Biblical play), Samuel Johnson (periodical), Jonathan Swift, Emerich de Vattel,
Claude Adrien Helvetius, Ben Franklin Poor Richard's Almanac
Art includes John and Robert Adam create Harewood House, Boucher paints "The Mill at Charenton", Allan Ramsay
Music includes the first English manual on guitar playing
- Religion: Death of Pope Benedict XIV- Carlo della Torre Rezzonico becomes Pope Clement XIII
- Science: Charles Messier rediscovers Crab nebula when he catalogs non-star objects - Known as Messier I
- Technology: Ribbing machine for manufacture of hose invented by Jedediah Strutt
- Deaths: Poet Allan Ramsay, Theologian Johathan Edwards, Pope Benedict XIV,
- General: French and Indian War continues
- China: Kashgaria comes under Chinese control after Muslim revolt
- India: Dutch capitulate at Chinsura – Clive becomes Governor of Bengal
- Japan: Aoki Konyo Japanese scholar introduces sweet potato and completes Anglo-Dutch Dictionary
Austrians besiege Neisse – defeat Frederick the Great at Hochkirch
- General: Continuation of Seven Years War
E Prussia occupied by Russia - Battle of Zorndorf
- France: Important military victories, especially in Americas
- Great Britain: British under Gen. Jeffrey Amherst take Louisburg
Derjeant's Inn (London Court) formed
Bridgewater Canal between Liverpool and Leeds started
Middle East
- Turkestan: China occupies eastern Turkestan
- Entertainment: Poor Richard's Almanac by Ben Franklin
- Religion: One Baptist church allows blacks
- Pennsylvania: George Washington and John Forbes take Fort Suquesne (Pittsburgh)