Population: 846 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Oliver Goldsmith Citizen of the World, James Macpherson (fraudulent ancient poetry), Laurence Sterne
Art includes Gainsborough "Mrs. Philip Thicknesse", Angelica Kauffman "Music and Painting", Joshua Reynolds "Georgiana"
Music includes Haydn, William Boyce collects cathedral music, Balley master at Stuttgart Noverre publishes letters on ballet
- Science: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary strata proposed for the earth by Arduino
- Sports: Rules of whist laid down by Edmund Hoyle
- Technology: James Hargreaves invents "Spinning Jenny"
- Deaths: King George II of Britain, Actress Friederike Caroline Neuber, Actress and Duchess Lavinia Fenton, Actress Peg Woffington,
Lady Coventry of England dies from lead poisoning from her face powder
- South Africa: Dutch explorer Jakobus Coetsee advances beyond the Orange River
- General: Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) continues
- Canada: Passes into British hands in Seven Years' War
- India: Robert Clive leaves India
- Japan: Peasant uprisings begin
- General: Seven Years' War continues
Prussian army defeated at Landshut – Austrians take Glatz and are defeated at Liegnitz and Torgau, Russians occupy and burn Berlin
- Great Britain: End of King George II, grandson George III takes throne over Britain and Ireland
George III denounces expense of Seven Years War – considers raising taxes
First exhibition of contemporary art at Royal Society of Arts in London
First British school for deaf and dumb opened by Thomas Braidwood at Edinburgh
Josian Wedgewood founds pottery works at Etruia Staffordshire
Botanica Gardens in Kew London opened
Poersmouth dockyard destroyed by fire
Trapdoor added to gallows in England
End of Smallpox plague on Shetland Islands
- Italian States: First silk hats from Florence
Middle East
- Natives: Ottawa leader Pontiac sends messages to other leaders to join against British takeover - alliance
- Religion: Roughly the end of the "First Great Awakening"
- Massachusetts: Peter Harrison creates Christ Church at Cambridge
- New York: Poet Jupiter Hammon, and ex-slave, publishes
- Michigan: French rule in Detroit ends
West and Pacific
- General: Spanish and Russians finally meet along west coast