Population: 853 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Adam Anderson (commerce), Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana (crime), Charles Bonnet (nature), Voltaire (philosophical dictionary),
JJ Winckelmann (art history)
Art includes Jean Antoine Houdon "St. Bruno"
Music includes JC Bach, Haydn, Mozart (age 8)
- Technology: James Watt invents the condenser – first step toward steam engine
Spinning jenny invented by Englishman James Hargreaves
- Deaths: Composer Jean Philippe Rameau (Rameay), Painter William Hogarth, Mme. De Pompadour, Poet Charles Churchill, Czar Ivan IV, Artist William Hogarth,
- West Africa: Reign of Osei Kwadwo the Asante ruler begins
- Nicaragua: Mt. Momotombo erupts – Victor Hugo names it "The Bald and Nude Colossus"
- India: Sir Hector Munro defeats Nawab of Dudh at Buxar Bengal
- Mysore: Hyder Ali usurps throne of Mysore
- France: Jesuits suppressed
Literary salons founded in Paris by Mme Necker and Mlle de Lespinasse
- Great Britain: Literary Club founded in London by Johnson, Burke, Gibbon, Goldsmith, Reynolds, and others
London introduces practice of numbering houses
Robert Adam creates Kenwood house in Middlesex
- Poland: Reign of king Stanislas Poniatowski the last king of Poland begins
- Russia: Confiscation of Church lands
Deposed Czar Ivan IV murdered in prison
- Spain: Charles III allows trade between 20 ports in the Americas
- Finance: Amendment of British Sugar Act to tax American colonies (lowers tariffs, but gives Brit officers right for search and seizure)
Currency act forbids colonies from printing $$
- Natives: Enoch Brown School Massacre as four Delaware Indians attack school killing 12
- Rhode Island: Brown University founded
- Missouri: St. Louis settled with first permanent settlement