Population: 980 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Goethe, Robert Southey, JH Voss, Kant
Art includes AJ Carstens "Night with Her Children", Goya "The Duchess of Alba"
Music includes Beethoven, Haydn,
- Science: Bluembach argues about five varieties of humans
- Technology: Joseph Bramah invents hydraulic press
François Appert designs preserving jar for foods
- Deaths include King Stanislav Poniatowski of Poland, Engraver John Christopher Smith, Author Jean-Jacques Berthelemy, Scholar Ezra Stiles,
Potter Josiah Wedgewood, Painter Okyo, Author James Boswell, Poet Carl Michael Bellmann, Adventurer Cagliostro, oet Carl Michael Bellmann,
Writer James Boswell,
- General: Drought ends after 11 years
- Cape Colony: (South Africa) British seize Cape Colony from Dutch
British forces occupy Cape of Good Hope
- Gambia: Scotish explorer Mungo Park travels Gambia and Niger Rivers
- Ceylon: (Sri Lanka) Dutch surrender Ceylon to the British
- China: End of Chi'en Lung as Emperor of China
Start of White Lotus rebellion against Chinese government to 1804
- India: Warren Hastings of India acquitted by English Parlament of corruption charges
- Malacca: British take malacca from Dutch
- General: Secret treaty between Austria and Russia for Third Partition of Poland – Joined by Prussia
Prussia and Spain make peace with France, and Britain, Austria, Russia, Portugal, Naples, and Ottoman Empire unite against
- Belgium: French occupy Mannheim and Belgium
- France: France's "Constitution of the year III" establishes legislature
royalist uprising in France - Louis XVIII considered by some as King of France
Bread Riots and White Terror in Paris
Third French Constitution enacted vesting power in the Directory
Metric (SI) system adopted
Freedom of worship established
Paris Conservatoire de Musique founded
Institut National in Paris replaces abolished academies
The Dauphin – son of Louis XVI "died" in prison and is buried, but later exhumation shows body not of the boy
- German States: Treaty of Basle with France
- Great Britain: Warren Hastings acquitted of high treason
Sir John Soane begins building Bank of England in London
First horse-drawn railroad
Speenhamland Act for poor relief in Britain – wages supplemended by dole
- Holy Roman Empire: Austria signs armistice with French
- Italian States: Napoleon appointed commander in chief in Italy
- Luxembourg: Luxembourg capitulates to France
- Netherlands: France overruns low countries - creates independent Dutch Republic
Holland becomes Batavian Republic under French control as William V deposed
- Poland: Abdication of Stanislav Poniatowski, last king
End of Duchy of Courland
Poland partitioned by Russia, Prussia, and Austria - ceases to exist as a nation
- Spain: Treaty with France
- Hawaii: King Kamehameha I conquers most of Hawaii
Pres: George Washington
- Law: 11th Amendment passes - suits against states
- Politics: Treaty of San Lorenzo between US and Spain settle boundary with Florida and gives US right to navigate the Mississippi
Hamilton resigns as secretary of treasury
- Natives: Treaty of Grenville means Indians surrender Ohio
- Massachusetts: Hurricane drives Spanish fleet (1 vessel) onto Cape Hatteras
- Georgia: Spain and US treaty for borders between FL and GA
- Louisiana: Pinckney's Treaty settles use of New Orleans