Population: 1.05 Billion*
- Entertainment: Writers include Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility, Friedrich de la Motte-Fouque, Goethe, KA Bottiger,
Barthold G. Niebuhr (Roman history), JPA Recusat (literature),
Art includes beginning of regency furniture period, Ingres "Jupiter and Thetes", Thomas Lawrence (portrait of Benjamin West),
Thorvaldsen sculpts "Procession of Alexander the Great"
Music includes CM von Weber
- Medicine: Sir Charles Bell writes about the anatomy of the brain
- Science: Amadeo Avogadro discovers molecular composition of gasses
Poisson writes about mechanical traits
- Technology: Friedrich Koenig invents steam-powered printing press
- Transportation: Ludwig Berblinger a tailor of Ulm Germany fails in his attempts to fly
- Deaths: Author Christopher Friedrich Nicolai, Jurist Francis Dana, Poet Heinrich von Kleist, Bare the first woman to circumnavigate the globe
- Egypt: Mohammed Ali (Mehemet Ali) of Egypt overruns Arabian peninsula through 1818 – end of first Saudi empire
Massacre of the Mamelukes at Cairo
- Nicaragua: National University of Nicaragua founded
- Paraguay: Independence from Spain
- Tristan da Cunha: (Islands of Refreshment) independent to 1815
- Venezuela: Independence from Spain
- General: British traveler and administrator Raffles takes over Batavia and Java for British government to 1816
- Java: British occupation
- Austria: Bankruptcy
CIvil Code introduced
- Czechoslovakia: Prague Conservatoire opened
- France: Napoleon annexes Oldenburg
French Press Agency (later Agence Havas) founded
- German States: Krupp ironworks founded in Germany to make guns
- Great Britain: George III of England goes insane again – Prince of Wales George becomes Prince Regent
John Nash begins design of Regent Street in London
John Rennie begins building Waterloo Bridge in London
"Great Schism" of Welsh Protestants as 2/3 leave Anglican Church
Hampden Clubs for extending the franchise formed in England
"Luddites" riot and destroy industrial machines in North England
- Norway: U of Christiana in Oslo formed
- Russia: Russians seize Belgrade
- Spain: Duke of Wellington's victories at Fuented de Onoro and Albuera
- Switzerland: Johann Rudolf Meyer a Swiss mountaineer climbs the Jungfrau
Middle East
- General: Mohammed Ali (Mehemet Ali) of Egypt overruns Arabian peninsula through 1818 – end of first Saudi empire