Population: 1.06 Billion*
- Entertainment: Writers include Oliver Wendell Holmes The Spetember Gale (age 6), Pierre Beranger, Byron Hebrew Melodies,
ETA Hoffmann, JS Knowles (tragedy), Scott, Wordsworth, TR Malthus, David Ricardo (economics), Savigny (Roman Law), Dugald Stweart (philosophy)
The Biedermeier style arrives
Art includes Canova "The Three Graces", Goya, Turner "Crossing the Brook"
Music includes Schubert
- Politics: United Kingdom of Portugal forms from Brazil Portugal and the Algarves to 1822
- Science: Augustin Fresnel researches the diffraction of light
Lamarck writes about natural history of animals
LJ Prout writes about specific gravity and atomic weight
- Technology: Humphry Davy invents miner's safety lamp
- Deaths: Physician Franz Anton Mesmer, Postmaster Joseph Habersham, Artist Francesco Bertolozzi, Actress Frances Abington, Artist John Singleton Copely,
Caricaturist James Gillray, General Joachim Murat, Marshal Michel Ney executed for treason, Poet Matthias Claudius, Poet John Singleton Copley,
Morelos of Mexico
- General: Islands of Tristan da Cunha annexed by UK and relabeled Islands of Refreshment
- Sierra Leone: Resettlement of former slaves from US
- General: All tribute to Barbary pirates ends when Europe and Americans confront pirates, wins respect for American military
Spanish armies reassert royal control over Western colonies
- Brazil: Declares self as independent empire
- Mexico: Simon Bolivar ends period of revolts
Morelos dies, leading to setback of gurrilla movement
- Indonesia: Tambora eruption – deadliest kills 92,000 eventually, but about 12,000 in initial explosion
Eruption of Sumbawa Volcano in Indonesia – over 50,000 dead
- Java: Java restored to Dutch by British
- General: Congress of Vienna follows defeat of Napoleon – map of Europe decided
Markets reopen to foreign trade
Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Russia form new "Holy Alliance"
- Austria: Technological College in Vienna founded
Count Metternich arises as world leader of influence pushing for status quo in preliminary league of nations
Monarchy restored by Congress of Vienna
- France: Napoleon pleads to Prince Regent Charles (IV) of England – Napoleon exiled to St. Helena in South Atlantic
Marshal Michel Ney executed for treason
Napoleon leaves Elba and lands in France – Louis XVIII flees and "The Hundred Days" begins
Napoleon issues liberal constitution Le Champ de Mai
Battle of Waterloo with British and Prussians
Duke of Wellington Wellsley (sp) defeats Napoleon – monarchy reestablished
Abolition of slave trade
Second Treaty of Paris – France's borders restored to 1790
- German States: Protestant Baseler Missionsgesellschafs founded
German Confederation established
Start of German kingdom of Frankfurt
- Great Britain: John Nash paid to develop property in London to outdo Paris
Corn Law passed - potatoes become more important
British income tax ended
Nash rebuilds Brughton Pavilion in pseudooriental style
Apothecaries Act forbids unqualified doctors to practice in Britain
Economic postwar crisis in England - tariffs increase leading to starvation
British road surveyor John Macadam constructs roads of crushed stone
- Italian States: Joachim Murat King of Naples executed after attempt to regain Naples
Start of Kingdom of Two Siciles to 1860
Start of Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Duchy of Modena to 1859, Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia, Duchy of Lucca
End of Sovereign Principality of Elba
- Netherlands: Formation of United Kingdom of the Netherlands (Belgium Luxembourg and Netherlands) to 1830
- Poland: Union with Russian empire
Start of Republic of Kraków in Poland and end of the Free City of Danzig to 1920 – End of Duchy of Warsaw
- Serbia: Uprisings lead to independence from Ottomans - Balkan Milosh Obrenovich leads revolt named "Prince of Serbia"
- Switzerland: Swiss Federal Pact ratified – Confederation now consists of 22 cantons
Middle East
- Hawaii: Russia tries to make landings in Hawaiian islands