Population: 1.06 Billion*
- Entertainment: Writers include Byron, Keats, Franz Grillparzer, William Hazlitt CHaracters in Shakespeare's Plays, Thomas Moore,
August Bockh (Athens), William Cobbett (Bank of England), Hegel (philosophy), HFR de Lamennais (religion), Juan Llorente (Spanish inquisition),
Joseph de Maistre Du Pape, David Ricardo (taxation)
Music includes Rossini, Clementi
Art includes Constable "Flatford Mill"
- Science: Berzelius discovers selenium and lithium
Karl Ritter writes about nature and geography
- Deaths: Educator Timothy Dwight, Marshal Andre Massena, Composer Etienne Mehul, Jane Austen, Novelist Mme. De Stael,
- Canada: Diplomatic relations between Canada and US resume with Rush-Bagot agreement
- Chile: San Martin defeats Spanish army at Chacabuco
- Martinique: Hurricane sweeps 7 British merchantmen out to sea
- Venezuela: Simon Bolivar establishes independent government
- India: Last Maratha War begins
Cholera outbreak in Calcutta
Hindu College of Calcutta set up to give European-style education
- General: Disease outbreaks
- German States: Wartburg Festival of revolutionary German Students
Lutheran and Reformed Churches in Prussia form Evangelical Union
- Great Britain: Pest and blight in Ireland's crops - famine
Attempt on the life of Prince Regent after opening of Parliament
Opening of Waterloo Bridge in London
"March of the Blanketeers" from Manchester to London halted at Stockport
Riots in Derbyshire against low wages
Talks begin on rights of British government to board ships suspected of carrying slaves
- Italian States: Braccia Nuova begins building Vatican museum in Rome
- Serbia: Serbs win partial independence from Otttoman empire
Middle East
- Turkey: Partial autonomy granted to Serbs by Turkish government