Population: 1.75 Billion*
- Entertainment: Newsreels begin
Frank Lloyd Wright becomes well known in Europe
S American tango gains popularity in Europe and US
Motion picture cartoons created using cel system
Kandinsky adopts abstract style in painting
Music includes Ravel, Bartók, Stravinsky (The Firebird), Debussy, Elgar, Puccini, R Vaughan Williams, Alban Berg, Busoni, Jean Gilbert, Massenet, Franz Lehar, Victer Herbert – operetta
Top songs include America the Beautiful, Let Me Call You Sweetheart, Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life, Topsy Song
Films include Child of the Ghetto, Messaline, Lucrezia Borgia, Hamlet, Peter the Great
Art includes Fernand Leger, Amedeo Modigliani, Gaston Lachaise, John Marin, Joseph Stella, Max Weber, Robert Delaunay, Oskar Kokoschika
Writers include Bertrand Russell (Principia mathematica), Arnold Bennett, Paul Claudel, EM Forster (Howard's End), HG Wells, John Galsworthy, Irving Fisher, Sir Norman Angell
- Science: Discovery of protons and electrons
Halley's Comet returns
JJ Thomson's work on deflection of positive rays in magnetic field
Marie Curie writes treatise on radiography
Murray and Hjort undertake first deep-sea expedition
- Technology: Jet engine developed
TNT developed - Nobel
First sea plane created by Fabre
- Transportation: Farman flies about 300 miles in 8 hours 15 min
First scheduled airline using lighter-than-air craft (Zeppelin)
- Deaths: Florence Nightingale, Poet Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Philosopher William James, Mary Baker Eddy of Christian Science,
American suffragist Julia Ward Howe, Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), Leo Tolstoi, Winslow Homer, Artist John La Farge, Julia Ward Howe, Painter William Holman Hunt,
Red Cross Jean Henri Dunant, Sculptor John Quincy Adams Ward, Astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli,Composer and founder of Great Five Mily Balakirev,
Edward VII son of Queen Victoria, Dr. Robert Koch, Henri Rousseau, Cartoonist EL Sambourne
- Egypt: Premier Butros Ghali assassinated
- French Equatorial Africa: Federation forms consisting of Gabon, Middle Congo, Chad, and Ubangi-Shari to 1960
- South Africa: British creates the Union of South Africa from Afrikaner republics (Natal, Transvaal, Orange Free State) and Cape Colony
Botha serves as premier
- Mexico: Mexican Revolution begins - forces under Francisco Madero oppose dictatorship of Porfiro Diaz
Over a million will die in revolution
- China: Plague
Slavery abolished
- India: Plague
- Korea: Japan annexes Korea (a protectorate since 1905) until 1945 - end of Empire
- Manchuria: Pneumonic Plague - see Russia
- Thailand: End of reign of Rama V after 42 years
- Albania: Revolt
- France: Socialists gain over 100 seats in Chamber of Deputies
Public executions protested
- Germany: Hypnotist Johannes Schultz discovered that patients self-hypnotizing to believe their hands were warm, their hands got warmer
- Great Britain: Constitutional Crisis caused by conflict between House of Commons and House of Lords (Eng)
King Edward VII dies, George V becomes king (son) - House of Windsor
British suffragettes adopt violent tactics
Girl Guides founded in Britain
Dr. Hawley Crippen accused of brutal murder of wife – DNA evidence nearly a century later show he was innocemt – London – first use of Forensic evidence
Fry arranges Post-Impressionist Expo in London
Thomas Beecham's first opera season at Covent garden in London
First labour exchanges open
- Greece: Benizelos named Premier
Arthur Evans completes excavation of Cnossus Crete
- Monaco: Prince Albert I founds Institute for Oceanography
- Montenegro: Proclaimed kingdom under Nicholas I
- Portugal: End of civil strife when monarchy is overthrown and republic proclaimed - minor strife until 1914
Republic proclaimed after revolution
- Russia: Marmot skin demand causes trappers to hunt in Siberia – Mongols wouldn't touch the dead marmots, but Chinese trappers die and plague spread killing tens of thousands
Middle East
- Ottoman Empire: Albanians revolt
- Australia: Labour party under Andrew Fisher wins