Pres: Warren G. Harding dies of ptomaine poisoning
Pres: Calvin Coolidge
- Crime: Scandals in presidency include Veteran's Bureau, Teapot Dome, and Elk Hills
- Entertainment: Briton Hadden and Henry R Luce found "Time" magazine
Emile Coue arrives in America for speaking tour
- Fashion: Barney's clothing store opens as Barney Pressman pawns wife's ring
US Attorney General legalizes women wearing pants anywhere
- Finance: Economic upturn as Bull market begins on Wall Street
- Law: Westman Publishing Company sues because song "Yes, We Have No Bananas" has same opening as Handel's Messiah – and they held US copyright
- Military: US Senate recalls forces from Rhineland
- New York: Possible tsunami
First birth-control clinic opens in New York
New York Prohibition Enforcement Act repealed by Governor Alfred E Smith
- Illinois: "Bix" Beiderbecke organizes jazz band in Chicago
- Indiana: Tri-state conclave of Ku Klux Klan held in Kokomo with 200,000 members
- Oklahoma: Martial law established to protect people from attacks by the KKK
- South Carolina: Cleveland Rural Grade School fire in South Carolina kills 76 in flames and trampling
- Tennessee: F5 tornado hits Pinson
West and Pacific
- California: 7.2 Quake
Harding dies of heart attack (or ptomaine poisoning) in San Francisco
Fire in Berkeley
- Montana: Old-age pensions introduced
- Nevada: Old-age pensions introduced
- Utah: President Harding and family visits Utah