Population: 224 Million*
- Religion: Justinian II confirms Papal privileges
- Deaths: Childebert III king of Franks, Byzantine emperor Justinian II, Spanish Visigoth king Roderick
- General: End of Arab expansion across N Africa
- India: Omayyads conquer Sind and found first Muslim state in India [Pakistan]
- Franco-German States: Dagobert III becomes king of all Franks
- Spanish States: End Visigoth kingdom of Old Castile
Spanish Jews freed by Arabs
Roderic becomes last Visigothic king in Spain defeated and killed
Arab general Tarik defeats King Roderic at Xerxes de la Frontera and Spain with the exception of Asturias becomes an Arab state
Spanish conquests between 711 and 1492 leave 300,000 dead
Remainder of Visigoths absorbed into Spain and Portugal
Middle East
- Byzantine Empire: Death of Justinian II the Byzantine emperor at the hand of Philip Bardanes – renames self Emperor Philippicus