Population: Between 190 and 230 million*
- Architecture: Vitrucius publishes "De architectura" (90 BC)
- Medicine: Asclepiades the Greek physician practices nature healing in Rome (90 BC)
- General: Mosiah replaces kings with judges and Alma the Younger becomes chief judge of Nephites (92 BC)
Sons of Mosiah ask father to go on mission among Lamanites (92 BC)
Ammon, Aaron, Omner, and Himni leave for missions among Lamanites with companions to 77 BC (91 BC)
Nehor preaches false doctrines among Nephites and slays Gideon (90 BC)
- China: Huns attack Chinese (91 BC)
- Roman Empire: End of Second Servile War with 5,000 dead (99 BC)
War between Rome and other Italian cities (91 BC)
Civil War as Sulla drives out Marius (90 BC)
Middle East
- Judaea: Revolt of the Pharisees (90 BC)
- Mesopotamia: North Mesopotamia falls to Armenian kingdom to 66 BC (90 BC)