Population: Perhaps 1-10 million*
- Entertainment: Era of cave art (32K BC)
- Humans: Start of domination of Homo sapiens (38K BC)
Neanderthal Man peaks and begins to die out (30K BC)
- General: Evidence of berry gathering (30K BC)
Hunter-gatherers in Lesotho and Zambia (34K BC)
- South: Early counting device made from baboon fibula (35K BC)
- Zaire: Small quartz tools (33K BC)
- North America: Asians arrive via land bridge (34 - 30K BC)
- South-East: Waisted axes in New Guinea (38K BC)
Humans in limestone caves in Borneo (38K BC)
- General: Blades found in Europe (38K BC)
Cro Magon reaches Europe (38K BC)
Tally marks found on bone, especially in France (30K BC)
- South: Hunters roam southern Europe (30K BC)
- Australia: People reach Europe from southern Asia by land bridges and boats (30K BC)