Population: 544 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include William Cartwright (drama), Corneille (tragedy), Philip Massinger The Unnatural Combat, Academie Française compiles French dictionary
Art includes Rembrandt (portrait of his mother), Reubens "Judgement of Paris", Zurbaran "St. Francis in Meditation"
Music includes Marco Marazzoli and Vergilio Mazzochi create first comic opera, Monteverde "Adone"
- Medicine: Quinine increasingly used for medicinal purposes
- Science: Gerard Desargues publishes book on modern geometry
Aldrovandi publishes history of serpents
Jeremiah Horrocks observes predicted transit of Venus
- Technology: William Gascoigne invents micrometer
- Deaths: Philosopher Tommaso Campanella, Poet Martin Opitz, Poet Thomas Carew, Leader Georg Jenatsch, Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar,
Dramatist Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, Horse sentenced to die at Dijon France for killing rider
- India: English settle at Madras
- Japan: End period of Japanese persecution of Christians
Tokugawa expels and closes ports to all foreigners
- England: First Welsh chapel founded after breakaway from Church of England
Drury Lane Theater in London receives first patent
Charles I needs funds and reconvenes Parliament - refuses to give money unless grievances met
- France: Jules Mazarin enters Richelieu's service
Louis Le Nau creates Hotel Lambert in Paris
- German States: Bernhard of Saxe Weimar dies
- Italian States: Grisons' leader Georg Jenatsch assassinated – Valtelline returned to the Grisons under Peace of Milan
- Russia: Russian Cossacks advance over Urals to Pacific and Okhotsk
- Scotland: First Bishops' War in Scotland – Scots charged with seeking to overthrow royal power
- Sweden: Swedish army before Prague
Middle East
- General: Treaty of Qasr-i Shirin finally establishes a permanent border between Ottoman and Safavid empires
- Ottoman Empire: Murad of Constantinople abolishes tribute of Christian children as part of campaign of Janissary Power
- Connecticut: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut written
- Maine: Sir Ferdinando Gorges receives charter of Maine
- Massachusetts: First printing press in North America at Cambridge