Population: 545 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Corneille (Pompeii tragedy), Luiz Velez de Guevara, Madeline de Scudery, John Evelyn Diary,
Ben Johnson (posthumous), René Descartes Meditations metaphysiques, William Habington Observations Upon Historie,
Art includes Frans Hals "The Governors of St. Elizabeth Hospital", Claude Lorraine "Embarkation of St. Ursula", Nicolas Poussin "The Seven Sacraments",
Rembrandt "Manoah", David Teniers "Country Fair", Van Dyck "Prince William of Orange"
Music includes George Wither collection of hymns, John Barnard "First Booke of Selected Church Musick", Monteverdi (opera),
- Medicine: Arsenic prescribed for medicinal purposes for first time
- Religion: Calvinist Peyrere seeks to publish on pre-Adamites - Chaldean history for 470,000 years considered - Permission denied, but anonymous publication in 1655
- Science: Tulp publishes formal description of an ape
- Deaths: Artist Anthony Van Dyck, Earl of Stafford Thomas Wentworth beheaded
- Japan: Japan ousts all but one Dutch port in harbor and remains isolated until 1854
- Malacca: (Malay) Dutch capture Malacca on Malay peninsula
- General: 30 Years' War continues
Council for the North (1484) abolished
- England: Thomas Wentworth Earl of Stafford and king’s chief adviser beheaded
Triennial Act requires Parliament to be summoned every three years
Abolition of Star Chamber and Court of High Commission
Grand Remonstrance of Parliament to Charles I
George Fox (Quakers) starts to preach
Cotton goods begin to be manufactured in Manchester
"Diurnal Occurences" a weekly periodical issued in London
- France: Comte de Soissons' conspiracy against King Louis XIII fails
Mazarin made Cardinal
Theophraste Renaudot publishes his plan for free medical treatment of needy in Paris – three years later faculty of medicine forbids him to practice
- Holy Roman Empire: Imperial army defeated at Wolfenbüttel
- Ireland: Massacre of Ulster protestants with 30,000 massacred – Catholic rebellion
- Scotland: Charles I accepts religiousness of Scotland – compromise
- Sweden: Rise of iron industry
- Massachusetts: Slavery recognized
Massachusetts Body of Liberties written - General Court recognizes 100 laws
Henry Dunster becomes president of Harvard College
Wampum (shell beads) becomes coinage
- New Hampshire: Becomes joint-stock colony
- Michigan: French settle setting up trading posts