Population: 545 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Sir Richard Baker (chronicle of kings of England), François Eudes de Mezeray (history of France),
John Milton (divorce), William Prynne (parliament and king), Roger Williams (American language), Christiana Almanack - first Norwegian book,
Art includes Adriaen van Ostade "Slaughtered Pig", Velazquez "Venus and Cupid"
Music includes Cavalli (opera)
- Science: "Giant" skeleton excavated in Flanders – fossil proboscidian
- Technology: Evangelista Torricelli invents barometer
- Deaths: Louis XIII of France, Composer Girolamo Frescobaldi, Composer Claudio Monteverdi
- Canada: French found Montreal
- Caribbean: Cyclone sinks Spanish ship off Hispaniola West Indies
- China: Amur region explored by Russian Pioneers
- General: French defeat Spanish in 30 Years War at Rocroi
Austro-Bavarian army defeats French at Duttlingen
Denmark and Sweden at war for Baltic supremacy to 1645
- England: English Civil War – Cavaliers lose Bradford and are defeated by Cromwell at Grantham – take Briston and are beaten in Battle of Newbury
– Roundheads are victorious at Leeds Reading Wakefield Gainsborough Gloucester
Cavalier newssheet published at Oxford every Sunday – Roundhead counterpart appears in London
Unsuccessful peace talks between two parties at Oxford
Solemn League and Covenant signed by English Parliament - Scots provide aid in return for 30,000 pounds
- France: Death of Louis XIII - Reign of Louis XIV of France begins – age 5 to 78 - longest since 2476 BC
Anne of Austria the Queen Mother invested with supreme power – confirms Mazarin as first minister
Molière founds "Illustre Theatre" in Paris
Coffee drinking becomes popular in Paris
Parcel post established
- German States: Imperial envoys open peace conference at Munster and Osnabruck
- Holy Roman Empire: First subscription loan granted
- Spain: Spanish minister of State Olivares loses his office
- Natives: Pavonia Massacre as Mowhawks attack other tribes and colonists failed to protect them – led to Kieft's War in New Amsterdam (New York)
- Politics: Northern colonies form confederation of protection - early self-directed allegiance of colonies
- General: Deborah Moody leaves MA to join with Dutch on Long Island
Several north colonies confederate to protect selves from Dutch
- Connecticut: Confederation of New England forms
- New Amsterdam: Kieft's War
- Pennsylvania: Tinicum Island settled