Population: 545 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Cornielle Andromede, Andreas Gryphius (satire), Joost van den Vondel Manual of Dutch Poetry,
Richard Baxter The Saints' Everlasting Rest", Matthew Hale (civil law), Thomas HObbes (moral and political law), Gilles Menage (Franch dictionary),
James Ussher (chronology starting world in 4004 BC), Hermann Busembaum proposes "the end justifies the means", Anne Dudley Bradstreet (first American poetry)
Start of Japanese "No" dramas
Art includes Dutch domination for decades, Murillo "The Holy Family with the Little Bird", Poussin "Self-Portrait", Jan van Goyen "View of Dordrecht",
Music includes modern harmonies, Athanasius Kircher (musical theory), emergence of overtures in French and Italian styles
- Fashion: Leather upholstery used for furniture
End of Baroque period
- Religion: James Ussher sets creation at Simdau 23 Oct 4004 BC
George Fox (Quaker) says "I bid them tremble when they hear the word of the Lord" starting the term Quakers
- Deaths: Poet Phineas Fletcher, René Descartes, Poet Richard Crashaw, Royalist Morquis of Montrose, German astronomer Jesuit and opponent of Galileo,
Ann Green charged with murder of her baby and she is hung, beaten and jumped on, but she lives and was pardoned
- Ethiopia: Ethiopia expels Portuguese missionaries and diplomats
- Western Africa: Drought in W Central Africa
- Zambezi: Portuguese clash with Muslims in Zambezi region
- Antilles: (Bahamas) Cyclone hits Basserette Antilles killing thousands
- India: Taj Mahal completed this decade
- Japan: Development of "No" dramas
Mount Asamayama erupts
- General: Treaty of Nuremberg between HRE and Sweden amplifies Peace of Westphalia
Dutch and English agree about respective frontiers of their N American colonies
- Cyclades: (Santorini) Explosion produces waves over 90 feet in Mediterranean
- England: Cromwell forms permanent economic council
First coffee house opens in England at Oxford
Sir Richard Waeston the English agriculturalist encourages cultivation of turnips
Tea first drunk in England
Charles II rides at head of Scottish army – Cromwell defeats them and Charles II lives by hiding in oak tree
- France: Mazarin allies himself with leaders of first Fronde
First fiacres (4-wheeled cabs) in Paris
Second Fronde revolt suppressed
- Italian States: Bernini creates Palazzo di Montecitorio
Santorini explodes
- Russia: Starvation in Russia due to high price of grain – people forced to eat sawdust
- Scotland: Scottish royalists routed by Cromwell at Battle of Dunbar
Marquis of Montrose the Scottish Royalist general executed
Charles Stuart (II) lands in Scotland
Middle East
- General: End of Guge kingdom in Near East
- Entertainment: Anne Dudley Bradstreet publishes first American poetry
- Land: Dutch and English agree about respective frontiers of their N American colonies
- Natives: Start of (second wave) extermination of N American Indians
- Connecticut: Slavery recognized
- Massachusetts: Harvard College granted charter