Population: 770 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Colley Cibber, Louis de Rouvroy Duc de Saint-Simon, Samuel Richardson, William Stuckley Stonehenge
Art includes Boucher "Morning Toilet", Canaletto paints "Return of the Bucintoro", Hogarth "Captain Coram"
Music includes Thomaas Augustine Arne, Haydn enters court chapel in Vienna as choirboy,Domenico Scarlatti, J.A. Scheibe writes criticism against Bach
- Exploration: George Anson sets out of voyage around the world
- Religion: Death of Pope Clement XII – succeeded by Pope Benedict XIV (Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini)
- Science: Louis Castel writes about optics
- Technology: Benjamin Huntsman improves "crucible" process of smelting steel
Processes of casting and galvanizing steel advanced
- Deaths: King Frederick William I of Prussia, Emperor Charles VI, Czarine Anne of Russia, Lexicographer Ephraim Chambers, Pope Clement XII,
Painter Johann Kupetzky,
- General: Lunda create prosperous kingdom in Africa
- India: Power of Hindu Marathas of central India expands north
- General: Prussia starts First Silesian War against Maria Theresa of Austria (War of Austrian Succession)
"age of enlightened despots"
England supports Netherlands against France
- German States: Death of King Frederick William I of Prussia – succeeded by Frederick II the Great (Rationalist and not religious) – introduces freedom of press and religion – founds Berlin Academy of Sciences
Frederick disputes Maria Teresa's right to Austrian throne - Frederick seizes Silesia
Smallpox epidemic in Berlin
- Great Britain: German organ builder John Snetzler moves to England
Smallpox outbreak
- Holland: Joins with England against France
- Holy Roman Empire: Death of Emperor Charles VI (last male Habsburg) – daughter Maria Theresa rules
Bavaria, Spain and Poland claim lands
Prussia attacks and Maria flees to Hungary - Eastern countries support
- Italian States: List of scriptures discovered in Milan
Plague in Messina
- Russia: Death of Czarina Anne of Russia – Czar Ivan VI rules
- Spain: Spain, ruled by a Bourbon, aids France to regain Italian provinces
- Religion: Rev. George Whitfield teaches in Carolinas and Virginia with newer concept of being born again in Anglican churches –
asked to leave churches so he preaches in the fields – travels 5000 miles preaching to tens of thousands –
about a quarter of the country had heard his message of individual communion with God – First Great Awakening
- Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania founded