Population: 776 Million*
- Entertainment: Writers include Thomas Betterton (history of English stage), Robert Dodsley (drama), Samuel Richardson, Voltaire, David Hume Essays, Political and Moral,
First German Shakespeare translation, Jonathan Edwards "Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God", David Hume (politics), Boucher Autumn
Music includes Gluck (opera), Handel "The Messiah", Rameau
- Science: PLM de Maupertuis suggests survival of the fittest
- Deaths: Composer Antonio Vivaldi, Sculptor GR Donner, Musician Johann Joseph Fux, Explorer Victor Behring,
- General: Alliance of Nymphenburg among France, Bavaria, Spain, Saxony, and Prussia
- Czechoslovakia: Prauge occupied by French Bavarian and Saxon troops
- France: Jacques Germain Soufflot creates Hotel-Dieu in Lyons
- German States: Frederick the Great conquers Silesia (Austria) – captures Brieg Niesse Glatz and Olmutz
Johann Joachim Quants becomes court composer for Frederick the Great
- Great Britain: England mediates between Prussia and Austria
David Garrick's debut in London theaters
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich England opened
Highway Act in England to improve roads
- Holy Roman Empire: Maria Theresa accepts crown of Hungary
Founding of the Burgtheater Vienna
- Russia: Czar Ivan VI deposed and imprisoned - end of Czar Ivan VI - Reign of Elizabeth I (dau of Peter the Great) for 20 years – eventually founds first University at Moscow
Bartolomeo Rastrelli creates the summer palace in St. Petersburg
- Spain: Yellow fever outbreak
- Sweden: Botanical garden in Uppsala founded by Linnaeus
- Religion: Jonathan Edwards writes and delivers sermon "Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God" in MA
- Pennsylvania: "The General Magazine" written in Philadelphia by Franklin
West and Pacific
- Alaska: Victor Behring dies of hunger and cold after discovering Alaska and Aleutian Islands
- California: Russian navigator Alexei Cherikov lands in California