Population: Between 190 and 230 million*
- Entertainment: "Historia Francorum" written
- Religion: Death of Pope John IV – Pope Theodore I rules
- Deaths: Pulakesin III Chalukya of the Deccan, Pope John IV
- Arabs erect first mosque at al-Fustat in Egypt
Amr mosque built in Cairo
End of Moslem Conquest of Egypt with 5000 dead
- India: Death of Pulakesin III Chalukya of the Deccan
- England: Mercians under Penda defeat Northumbrians
Oswiu King of Bernicia, Deria
Start of Teutonic Conquest of Britain
Middle East
- Byzantine Empire: Eastern Roman Empire seriously weakened
Fall of Alexandria to Arab forces
- Persia: Fall of Sasanian Empire to Arabs at battle of Nehavend