
349 - 340 B.C.


Family information unknown



Population: Between 190 and 230 million*
  • Births: Chinese poet Ch'u Yuan (343 BC), Epicurus (342-340 BC)
  • Commerce: Trade agreement between Rome and Carthage (348 BC)
  • Entertainment: Aristotle lays foundations of musical theory (340 BC)
  • Medicine: Difference between arteries and veins discovered by Praxagoras of Cos (340 BC)
  • Deaths: Plato (347 BC), Greek sculptor Scopas (340 BC)


  • Egypt: End of 30th House - native rulers overthrown as Persians under Artaxerxes III reconquer (343 BC)


  • General: Gaul invades Rome (348 BC)
  • Greece: Philip of Macedon takes Olynthus (Olympus?) (348 BC)
    Aristotle travels to Assos, Lesbos, and Pelia (348 BC)
    Death of Plato (347 BC)
    Peace of Philocrates - Athens sues Macedonia for peace (346 BC)
    Aristotle becomes teacher of Alexander the Great (343 BC)
  • Italian States: First Samnite War between Rome and other Italians (343-341 BC)
    Other cities in Latin League revolt against Rome (340 BC)

Middle East

  • Persia: Artaxerxes III spreads empire through Egypt (343 BC)